Friday, September 23, 2011

Isaiah 55:8

Jake Randall September 21, 2011
Isaiah 55:8
Isaiah 55:8- “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord.”
I am finite. God is infinite. Simple as that. We as human beings cant comprehend the thoughts or actions of God. Like for example when the Lord wants to use things that we see as bad things for the glorifying of Himself. It amazes me every time how He does it. Its pass my finding out as the Bible says.
Sitting in our Biblical doctrines class the other day I was talking to Braeden about not knowing the depths and the thoughts of God, and how frustrating it can be some times. And it really can be frustrating. But again God is infinite and is outside of time and space, but we are limited in these things as human beings. But we have the hope of heaven, knowing that we will one day be able to understand it all.
Application- I need to stand fast in just walking with the Lord and trusting in Him, without knowing where He is leading. Proverbs 16:9

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